Source code for mlresearch.utils._visualization

Functions for visualization formatting or producing pre-formatted

from setuptools import distutils
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ._utils import _optional_import

[docs] def set_matplotlib_style(font_size=8, use_latex=True, **rcparams): """ Load LaTeX-style configurations for Matplotlib Visualizations. You may pass additional parameters to the rcParams as keyworded arguments. Parameters ---------- font_size : int, default=8 Desired default font size displayed in visualizations. ``axes.labelsize`` and ``font.size`` will take 1.25x the size passed in ``font_size``, whereas ``legend.fontsize``, ``xtick.labelsize`` and ``ytick.labelsize`` will take the value passed in this parameter. use_latex : bool, default=True Whether to use Latex to render visualizations. If ``True`` and a Latex installation is found in the system, the text will be rendered using Latex and math mode can be used. If ``True`` and no Latex installation is found, ``text.usetex`` will be set to ``False`` and an issue is raised. If ``False``, ``text.usetex`` will be set to ``False``. Returns ------- None : NoneType """ plt = _optional_import("matplotlib.pyplot") # Replicates the rcParams of seaborn's "whitegrid" style and a few extra # configurations I like"seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid") base_style = { # "patch.edgecolor": "w", # "patch.force_edgecolor": True, # "xtick.bottom": False, # "ytick.left": False, "": "Times", # Use 10pt font in plots, to match 10pt font in document "axes.labelsize": (10 / 8) * font_size, "font.size": (10 / 8) * font_size, # Make the legend/label fonts a little smaller "legend.fontsize": font_size, "xtick.labelsize": font_size, "ytick.labelsize": font_size, # Subplots size/shape "figure.subplot.left": 0.098, "figure.subplot.right": 0.938, "figure.subplot.bottom": 0.12, "": 0.944, "figure.subplot.wspace": 0.071, } plt.rcParams.update(base_style) if distutils.spawn.find_executable("latex") and use_latex: tex_fonts = { # Use LaTeX to write all text "text.usetex": True, } plt.rcParams.update(tex_fonts) elif use_latex: warn_msg = ( "Could not find a LaTeX installation. ``text.usetex`` will be set to False." ) warnings.warn(warn_msg) # Used to pass any additional custom configurations plt.rcParams.update(rcparams)
[docs] def feature_to_color(col, cmap="RdYlBu_r"): """ Converts a column of values to hex-type colors. Parameters ---------- col : {list, array-like} of shape (n_samples,) Values to convert to hex-type color code cmap : str or `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` The colormap used to map normalized data values to RGBA colors Returns ------- colors : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Array with hex values as string type. """ colors = _optional_import("matplotlib.colors") cm = _optional_import("") if type(col) is list: col = np.array(col) norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=col.min(), vmax=col.max(), clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) rgba = mapper.to_rgba(col) return np.apply_along_axis(colors.rgb2hex, 1, rgba)