Source code for mlresearch.utils._check_pipelines

from itertools import product
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
from imblearn.utils import Substitution
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from imblearn.utils._docstring import _random_state_docstring

[docs] @Substitution( random_state=_random_state_docstring, ) def check_random_states(random_state, n_runs): """ Create random states for experiments. Used to create seeds for different initializations. Parameters ---------- {random_state} n_runs : int Number of initializations. Returns ------- random_states : list A list of random states with length ``n_runs``. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) return [random_state.randint(0, 2**32 - 1, dtype="uint32") for _ in range(n_runs)]
[docs] @Substitution( random_state=_random_state_docstring, ) def check_pipelines(*objects_list, random_state, n_runs): """ Extract estimators and parameter grids to be passed to ModelSearchCV. This enables searching over any sequence of parameter settings and objects. Parameters ---------- *objects_list : sequence of lists Lists of objects to be chained in a pipeline in the passed order. Each list must contain tuples composed of (``<obj_name>``, ``<object>``, ``<parameter_values_dict>``). {random_state} n_runs : int Number of initializations. Returns ------- estimators : List of Pipelines with all combinations among the passed lists of objects. param_grids : List of dictionaries with estimator and parameter names (``str``) as keys and lists of parameter settings to try as values. """ # Create random states random_states = check_random_states(random_state, n_runs) pipelines = [] param_grid = [] for comb, rs in product(product(*objects_list), random_states): name = "|".join([i[0] for i in comb]) # name, object, sub grid comb = [ ( (nm, ob, ParameterGrid(sg)) if ob is not None else (nm, FunctionTransformer(), ParameterGrid(sg)) ) for nm, ob, sg in comb ] # Create estimator if name not in [n[0] for n in pipelines]: est = Pipeline([(nm, ob) for nm, ob, _ in comb]) pipelines.append((name, est)) # Create intermediate parameter grids sub_grids = [ [{f"{nm}__{k}": v for k, v in param_def.items()} for param_def in sg] for nm, obj, sg in comb ] # Create parameter grids for sub_grid in product(*sub_grids): param_prefix = f"{name}__" grid = {"est_name": [name]} grid.update( {f"{param_prefix}{k}": [v] for d in sub_grid for k, v in d.items()} ) random_states = { f"{param_prefix}{param}": [rs] for param in est.get_params() if "random_state" in param } grid.update(random_states) # Avoid multiple runs over pipelines without random state if grid not in param_grid: param_grid.append(grid) return pipelines, param_grid
[docs] def check_pipelines_wrapper( *objects_list, wrapper, random_state, n_runs, estimator_param="classifier", wrapped_only=True, ): """ Extract estimators within a wrapper object and parameter grids to be passed to ModelSearchCV. This enables searching over any sequence of parameter settings and objects. Parameters ---------- *objects_list : sequence of lists Lists of objects to be chained in a pipeline in the passed order. Each list must contain tuples composed of (``<obj_name>``, ``<object>``, ``<parameter_values_dict>``). wrapper : tuple or tuple Wrapper object to which the lists of objects will be passed. Must be structured as (``<obj_name>``, ``<object>``, ``<parameter_values_dict>``) and . {random_state} n_runs : int Number of initializations. estimator_param : str, default="classifier" Name of the parameter in the wrapper object where the estimators will be passed. wrapped_only : bool, default=True Return only the wrapped estimators. If ``False``, returns both the wrapped and the original objects. Returns ------- wrapped_estimators : List of Pipelines with all combinations among the passed lists of objects. wrapped_param_grids : List of dictionaries with estimator and parameter names (``str``) as keys and lists of parameter settings to try as values. """ wrapper_label = wrapper[0] wrapper_obj = wrapper[1] wrapper_grid = wrapper[2] estimators, param_grids = check_pipelines( *objects_list, random_state=random_state, n_runs=n_runs ) wrapped_estimators = [ ( f"{wrapper_label}|{name}", clone(wrapper_obj).set_params(**{estimator_param: pipeline}), ) for name, pipeline in estimators ] def _format_param(param): return "__".join(param.split("__")[1:]) wrapped_param_grids = [ { "est_name": [f'{wrapper_label}|{d["est_name"][0]}'], **{ f'{wrapper_label}|{d["est_name"][0]}__{estimator_param}__' + f"{_format_param(k)}": v for k, v in d.items() if k != "est_name" }, **{ f'{wrapper_label}|{d["est_name"][0]}__{k}': v for k, v in wrapper_grid.items() }, } for d in param_grids ] if wrapped_only: return wrapped_estimators, wrapped_param_grids else: return (estimators + wrapped_estimators, param_grids + wrapped_param_grids)