Source code for mlresearch.synthetic_data._oversampling_augmentation

A wrapper to allow the use of oversampling algorithms for data augmentation
in Active Learning experiments with multiple datasets.

import warnings
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from imblearn.over_sampling.base import BaseOverSampler
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
from ._gsmote import GeometricSMOTE

AUGMENTATION_STRATEGIES = ["oversampling", "constant", "proportional"]

def _modify_nn(n_neighbors, n_samples):
    """Modify nearest neighbors object or integer."""
    if isinstance(n_neighbors, NearestNeighbors):
        n_neighbors = (
            clone(n_neighbors).set_params(n_neighbors=n_samples - 1)
            if n_neighbors.n_neighbors >= n_samples
            else clone(n_neighbors)
    elif isinstance(n_neighbors, int) and n_neighbors >= n_samples:
        n_neighbors = n_samples - 1
    return n_neighbors

def _clone_modify(oversampler, y):
    """Clone and modify attributes of oversampler for corner cases."""

    # Clone oversampler
    oversampler = clone(oversampler)

    # Not modify attributes case
    if isinstance(oversampler, RandomOverSampler):
        return oversampler

    # Select and modify oversampler
    n_minority_samples = Counter(y).most_common()[-1][1]
    if n_minority_samples == 1:
        oversampler = RandomOverSampler()
        if hasattr(oversampler, "k_neighbors"):
            oversampler.k_neighbors = _modify_nn(
                oversampler.k_neighbors, n_minority_samples
        if hasattr(oversampler, "m_neighbors"):
            oversampler.m_neighbors = _modify_nn(oversampler.m_neighbors, y.size)
        if hasattr(oversampler, "n_neighbors"):
            oversampler.n_neighbors = _modify_nn(
                oversampler.n_neighbors, n_minority_samples
    return oversampler

[docs] class OverSamplingAugmentation(BaseOverSampler): """ A wrapper to facilitate the use of `imblearn.over_sampling` objects for data augmentation. Parameters ---------- oversampler : oversampler estimator, default=None Over-sampler to be used for data augmentation. augmentation_strategy : float, dict or {'oversampling', 'constant', 'proportional'}\ , default='oversampling' Specifies how the data augmentation is done. - When ``float`` or ``int``, each class' frequency is augmented according to the specified ratio (which is equivalent to the ``proportional`` strategy). - When ``oversampling``, the data augmentation is done according to the sampling strategy passed in the ``oversampler`` object. If ``value`` is not `None`, then the number of samples generated for each class equals the number of samples in the majority class multiplied by ``value``. - When ``constant``, each class frequency is augmented to match the value passed in the parameter ``value``. - When ``proportional``, relative class frequencies are preserved and the number of samples in the dataset is matched with the value passed in the parameter ``value``. value : int, float, default=None Value to be used as the new frequency of each class. It is ignored unless the augmentation strategy is set to ``constant`` or ``oversampling``. random_state : int, RandomState instance, default=None Control the randomization of the algorithm. - If int, ``random_state`` is the seed used by the random number generator; - If ``RandomState`` instance, random_state is the random number generator; - If ``None``, the random number generator is the ``RandomState`` instance used by ``np.random``. Attributes ---------- sampling_strategy_ : dict Dictionary containing the information to sample the dataset. The keys corresponds to the class labels from which to sample and the values are the number of samples to sample. n_features_in_ : int Number of features in the input dataset. """ def __init__( self, oversampler=None, augmentation_strategy="oversampling", value=None, random_state=None, ): super(OverSamplingAugmentation, self).__init__(sampling_strategy="auto") self.oversampler = oversampler self.augmentation_strategy = augmentation_strategy self.value = value self.random_state = random_state warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Check inputs and statistics of the sampler. You should use ``fit_resample`` in all cases. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, dataframe, sparse matrix} of shape \ (n_samples, n_features) Data array. y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Target array. Returns ------- self : object Return the instance itself. """ X, y, _ = self._check_X_y(X, y) if ( type(self.augmentation_strategy) not in [int, float, dict] and self.augmentation_strategy not in AUGMENTATION_STRATEGIES ): raise ValueError( f"When 'augmentation_strategy' is neither an int or float," f" it needs to be one of {AUGMENTATION_STRATEGIES}. Got " f"'{self.augmentation_strategy}' instead." ) if (type(self.value) not in [int, float]) and ( self.augmentation_strategy in ["constant", "proportional"] ): raise ValueError( f"When 'augmentation_strategy' is 'constant' or 'proportional'," f" 'value' needs to be an int or float. Got " f"{self.value} instead." ) # Setup the sampling strategy based on the augmentation strategy if self.augmentation_strategy == "constant": counts = OrderedDict(Counter(y)) self.sampling_strategy_ = { k: int(np.round(self.value)) if self.value > freq else freq for k, freq in counts.items() } elif self.augmentation_strategy == "proportional": counts = OrderedDict(Counter(y)) ratio = self.value / y.shape[0] if ratio > 1: self.sampling_strategy_ = { k: int(np.round(freq * ratio)) for k, freq in counts.items() } else: raise ValueError( "The new size of the augmented dataset must be larger than the" f" original dataset. Originally, there are {y.shape[0]} samples" f" and {self.value} samples are asked." ) elif self.augmentation_strategy == "oversampling" and self.value is None: self.sampling_strategy_ = ( self.oversampler.sampling_strategy if self.oversampler is not None else None ) elif self.augmentation_strategy == "oversampling": counts = OrderedDict(Counter(y)) max_freq = max(counts.values()) self.sampling_strategy_ = { k: ( int(np.round(max_freq * self.value)) if max_freq * self.value > freq else freq ) for k, freq in counts.items() } elif type(self.augmentation_strategy) in [int, float]: counts = OrderedDict(Counter(y)) self.sampling_strategy_ = { k: int(np.round(v * self.augmentation_strategy)) for k, v in counts.items() } else: self.sampling_strategy_ = self.augmentation_strategy return self
[docs] def fit_resample(self, X, y, **fit_params): """ Resample the dataset. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, dataframe, sparse matrix} of shape \ (n_samples, n_features) Matrix containing the data which have to be sampled. y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Corresponding label for each sample in X. Returns ------- X_resampled : {array-like, dataframe, sparse matrix} of shape \ (n_samples_new, n_features) The array containing the resampled data. y_resampled : array-like of shape (n_samples_new,) The corresponding label of `X_resampled`. """, y) if self.oversampler is not None: self.oversampler_ = _clone_modify(self.oversampler, y).set_params( random_state=self.random_state, sampling_strategy=self.sampling_strategy_, ) if isinstance(self.oversampler_, GeometricSMOTE): return self.oversampler_.fit_resample(X, y, **fit_params) else: return self.oversampler_.fit_resample(X, y) else: return X, y
def _fit_resample(self, X, y): """A placeholder. It was overriden by the self.fit_resample method.""" return