Source code for mlresearch.synthetic_data._gsmote

Class to perform over-sampling using Geometric SMOTE. This is a modified
version of the original Geometric SMOTE implementation.

# Author: Georgios Douzas <>
#         Joao Fonseca    <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import math
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state, check_array
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import check_classification_targets
from sklearn.utils.validation import _check_sample_weight
from sklearn.utils.sparsefuncs_fast import (
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, label_binarize
from imblearn.over_sampling.base import BaseOverSampler
from imblearn.utils import (
from imblearn.utils._docstring import _random_state_docstring
from imblearn.utils._validation import ArraysTransformer

SELECTION_STRATEGY = ("combined", "majority", "minority")

def _make_geometric_sample(
    center, surface_point, truncation_factor, deformation_factor, random_state
    """A support function that returns an artificial point inside
    the geometric region defined by the center and surface points.

    center : ndarray, shape (n_features, )
        Center point of the geometric region.

    surface_point : ndarray, shape (n_features, )
        Surface point of the geometric region.

    truncation_factor : float, optional (default=0.0)
        The type of truncation. The values should be in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    deformation_factor : float, optional (default=0.0)
        The type of geometry. The values should be in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None
        Control the randomization of the algorithm.

    point : ndarray, shape (n_features, )
            Synthetically generated sample.


    # Zero radius case
    if np.array_equal(center, surface_point):
        return center

    # Generate a point on the surface of a unit hyper-sphere
    radius = norm(center - surface_point)
    normal_samples = random_state.normal(size=center.size)
    point_on_unit_sphere = normal_samples / norm(normal_samples)
    point = (random_state.uniform(size=1) ** (1 / center.size)) * point_on_unit_sphere

    # Parallel unit vector
    parallel_unit_vector = (surface_point - center) / norm(surface_point - center)

    # Truncation
    close_to_opposite_boundary = (
        truncation_factor > 0
        and, parallel_unit_vector) < truncation_factor - 1
    close_to_boundary = (
        truncation_factor < 0
        and, parallel_unit_vector) > truncation_factor + 1
    if close_to_opposite_boundary or close_to_boundary:
        point -= 2 *, parallel_unit_vector) * parallel_unit_vector

    # Deformation
    parallel_point_position =, parallel_unit_vector) * parallel_unit_vector
    perpendicular_point_position = point - parallel_point_position
    point = (
        + (1 - deformation_factor) * perpendicular_point_position

    # Translation
    point = center + radius * point

    return point

def _make_categorical_sample(X_new, all_neighbors, categories_size, random_state):
    """A support function that populates categorical features' values
    in an artificial point.

    X_new : ndarray, shape (n_features, )
        Artificial point to populate categorical features.

    all_neighbors: ndarray, shape (n_features, k_neighbors)
        Nearest neighbors used for majority voting.

    categories_size: list
        Used to tell apart one-hot encoded features.

    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None
        Control the randomization of the algorithm. Used
        for tie breaking when there are two majority values.

    point : ndarray, shape (n_features, )
            Synthetically generated sample.

    for start_idx, end_idx in zip(
        np.cumsum(categories_size)[:-1], np.cumsum(categories_size)[1:]
        col_maxs = all_neighbors[:, start_idx:end_idx].sum(axis=0)
        # tie breaking argmax
        is_max = np.isclose(col_maxs, col_maxs.max(axis=0))
        max_idxs = random_state.permutation(np.argwhere(is_max))
        col_sels = max_idxs[0]

        ys = start_idx + col_sels
        X_new[start_idx:end_idx] = 0
        X_new[ys] = 1

    return X_new

[docs] @Substitution( sampling_strategy=BaseOverSampler._sampling_strategy_docstring, random_state=_random_state_docstring, ) class GeometricSMOTE(BaseOverSampler): """Class to to perform over-sampling using Geometric SMOTE. This algorithm is an implementation of Geometric SMOTE, a geometrically enhanced drop-in replacement for SMOTE as presented in [1]_. Parameters ---------- categorical_features : ndarray of shape (n_cat_features,) or (n_features,) Specified which features are categorical. Can either be: - array of indices specifying the categorical features; - mask array of shape (n_features, ) and ``bool`` dtype for which ``True`` indicates the categorical features. {sampling_strategy} {random_state} truncation_factor : float, optional (default=0.0) The type of truncation. The values should be in the [-1.0, 1.0] range. deformation_factor : float, optional (default=0.0) The type of geometry. The values should be in the [0.0, 1.0] range. selection_strategy : str, optional (default='combined') The type of Geometric SMOTE algorithm with the following options: ``'combined'``, ``'majority'``, ``'minority'``. k_neighbors : int or object, optional (default=5) If ``int``, number of nearest neighbours to use when synthetic samples are constructed for the minority method. If object, an estimator that inherits from :class:`sklearn.neighbors.base.KNeighborsMixin` that will be used to find the k_neighbors. n_jobs : int, optional (default=1) The number of threads to open if possible. Attributes ---------- sampling_strategy_ : dict Dictionary containing the information to sample the dataset. The keys corresponds to the class labels from which to sample and the values are the number of samples to sample. n_features_in_ : int Number of features in the input dataset. nns_pos_ : estimator object Validated k-nearest neighbours created from the `k_neighbors` parameter. It is used to find the nearest neighbors of the same class of a selected observation. nn_neg_ : estimator object Validated k-nearest neighbours created from the `k_neighbors` parameter. It is used to find the nearest neighbor of the remaining classes (k=1) of a selected observation. random_state_ : instance of RandomState If the `random_state` parameter is None, it is a RandomState singleton used by np.random. If `random_state` is an int, it is a RandomState instance seeded with seed. If `random_state` is already a RandomState instance, it is the same object. Notes ----- See the original paper: [1]_ for more details. Supports multi-class resampling. A one-vs.-rest scheme is used as originally proposed in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] G. Douzas, F. Bacao, "Geometric SMOTE: a geometrically enhanced drop-in replacement for SMOTE", Information Sciences, vol. 501, pp. 118-135, 2019. .. [2] N. V. Chawla, K. W. Bowyer, L. O. Hall, W. P. Kegelmeyer, "SMOTE: synthetic minority over-sampling technique", Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 16, pp. 321-357, 2002. Examples -------- >>> from collections import Counter >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_classification >>> from gsmote import GeometricSMOTE # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> X, y = make_classification(n_classes=2, class_sep=2, ... weights=[0.1, 0.9], n_informative=3, n_redundant=1, flip_y=0, ... n_features=20, n_clusters_per_class=1, n_samples=1000, random_state=10) >>> print('Original dataset shape %s' % Counter(y)) Original dataset shape Counter({{1: 900, 0: 100}}) >>> gsmote = GeometricSMOTE(random_state=1) >>> X_res, y_res = gsmote.fit_resample(X, y) >>> print('Resampled dataset shape %s' % Counter(y_res)) Resampled dataset shape Counter({{0: 900, 1: 900}}) """ def __init__( self, sampling_strategy="auto", random_state=None, truncation_factor=1.0, deformation_factor=0.0, selection_strategy="combined", k_neighbors=5, categorical_features=None, n_jobs=1, ): super(GeometricSMOTE, self).__init__(sampling_strategy=sampling_strategy) self.random_state = random_state self.truncation_factor = truncation_factor self.deformation_factor = deformation_factor self.selection_strategy = selection_strategy self.k_neighbors = k_neighbors self.categorical_features = categorical_features self.n_jobs = n_jobs def _validate_estimator(self): """Create the necessary attributes for Geometric SMOTE.""" # Check random state self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) # Validate strategy if self.selection_strategy not in SELECTION_STRATEGY: error_msg = ( "Unknown selection_strategy for Geometric SMOTE algorithm. " "Choices are {}. Got {} instead." ) raise ValueError( error_msg.format(SELECTION_STRATEGY, self.selection_strategy) ) # Create nearest neighbors object for positive class if self.selection_strategy in ("minority", "combined"): self.nns_pos_ = check_neighbors_object( "nns_positive", self.k_neighbors, additional_neighbor=1 ) self.nns_pos_.set_params(n_jobs=self.n_jobs) # Create nearest neighbors object for negative class if self.selection_strategy in ("majority", "combined"): self.nn_neg_ = check_neighbors_object("nn_negative", nn_object=1) self.nn_neg_.set_params(n_jobs=self.n_jobs) def _validate_categorical(self): """Create the necessary attributes for Geometric SMOTE with categorical features""" if self.categorical_features is None: return self categorical_features = np.asarray(self.categorical_features) if == "bool": self.categorical_features_ = np.flatnonzero(categorical_features) else: if any( [ cat not in np.arange(self.n_features_in_) for cat in categorical_features ] ): raise ValueError( "Some of the categorical indices are out of range. Indices" " should be between 0 and {}".format(self.n_features_in_) ) self.categorical_features_ = categorical_features self.continuous_features_ = np.setdiff1d( np.arange(self.n_features_in_), self.categorical_features_ ) if self.categorical_features_.size == self.n_features_in_: raise ValueError( "GeometricSMOTE is not designed to work only with categorical " "features. It requires some numerical features." ) return self def _check_X_y(self, X, y): """Overwrite the checking to let pass some string for categorical features. """ y, binarize_y = check_target_type(y, indicate_one_vs_all=True) X, y = self._validate_data( X, y, reset=True, dtype=None, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"] ) return X, y, binarize_y def _make_geometric_samples( self, X, y, pos_class_label, n_samples, sample_weight=None ): """A support function that returns an artificials samples inside the geometric region defined by nearest neighbors. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Matrix containing the data which have to be sampled. y : array-like, shape (n_samples, ) Corresponding label for each sample in X. pos_class_label : str or int The minority class (positive class) target value. n_samples : int The number of samples to generate. sample_weight : 1-D array-like, optional The probabilities associated with each entry in a. If not given, the sample assumes a uniform distribution over all entries. Returns ------- X_new : ndarray, shape (n_samples_new, n_features) Synthetically generated samples. y_new : ndarray, shape (n_samples_new, ) Target values for synthetic samples. """ # Return zero new samples if n_samples == 0: return ( np.array([], dtype=X.dtype).reshape(0, X.shape[1]), np.array([], dtype=y.dtype), np.array([], dtype=X.dtype), ) # Select positive class samples X_pos = X[y == pos_class_label] if sample_weight is not None: sample_weight_pos = ( sample_weight[y == pos_class_label] if sample_weight[y == pos_class_label].sum() != 0 else None ) else: sample_weight_pos = None # Force minority strategy if no negative class samples are present self.selection_strategy_ = ( "minority" if X.shape[0] == X_pos.shape[0] else self.selection_strategy ) # Minority or combined strategy if self.selection_strategy_ in ("minority", "combined"): points_pos = self.nns_pos_.kneighbors(X_pos)[1][:, 1:] weight_pos = ( np.repeat(sample_weight_pos, self.k_neighbors) / (sample_weight_pos.sum() * self.k_neighbors) if sample_weight_pos is not None else None ) samples_indices = self.random_state_.choice( range(0, len(points_pos.flatten())), size=n_samples, p=weight_pos ) rows = np.floor_divide(samples_indices, points_pos.shape[1]) cols = np.mod(samples_indices, points_pos.shape[1]) # Majority or combined strategy if self.selection_strategy_ in ("majority", "combined"): X_neg = X[y != pos_class_label] points_neg = self.nn_neg_.kneighbors(X_pos)[1] weight_neg = ( sample_weight_pos / sample_weight_pos.sum() if sample_weight_pos is not None else None ) if self.selection_strategy_ == "majority": samples_indices = self.random_state_.choice( range(0, len(points_neg.flatten())), size=n_samples, p=weight_neg ) rows = np.floor_divide(samples_indices, points_neg.shape[1]) cols = np.mod(samples_indices, points_neg.shape[1]) # In the case that the median std was equal to zeros, we have to # create non-null entry based on the encoded of OHE if self.categorical_features is not None: if math.isclose(self.median_std_, 0): X[:, self.continuous_features_.size :] = self._X_categorical_encoded # Select positive class samples X_pos = X[y == pos_class_label] if self.selection_strategy_ in ("majority", "combined"): X_neg = X[y != pos_class_label] # Generate new samples X_new = np.zeros((n_samples, X.shape[1])) all_neighbors_ = [] for ind, (row, col) in enumerate(zip(rows, cols)): # Define center point center = X_pos[row] # Minority strategy if self.selection_strategy_ == "minority": surface_point = X_pos[points_pos[row, col]] all_neighbors = ( (X_pos[points_pos[row]]) if self.categorical_features is not None else None ) # Majority strategy elif self.selection_strategy_ == "majority": surface_point = X_neg[points_neg[row, col]] all_neighbors = ( (X_neg[points_neg[row]]) if self.categorical_features is not None else None ) # Combined strategy else: surface_point_pos = X_pos[points_pos[row, col]] surface_point_neg = X_neg[points_neg[row, 0]] radius_pos = norm(center - surface_point_pos) radius_neg = norm(center - surface_point_neg) surface_point = ( surface_point_neg if radius_pos > radius_neg else surface_point_pos ) all_neighbors = ( np.vstack([X_pos[points_pos[row]], X_neg[points_neg[row]]]) if self.categorical_features is not None else None ) if self.categorical_features is not None: all_neighbors_.append(all_neighbors) # Append new sample - no categorical features X_new[ind] = _make_geometric_sample( center, surface_point, self.truncation_factor, self.deformation_factor, self.random_state_, ) # Create new samples for target variable y_new = np.array([pos_class_label] * len(samples_indices)) return X_new, y_new, all_neighbors_ def _make_categorical_samples(self, X_new, y_new, categories_size, all_neighbors_): for ind, all_neighbors in enumerate(all_neighbors_): # Append new sample - continuous features X_new[ind] = _make_categorical_sample( X_new[ind], all_neighbors, categories_size, self.random_state_ ) return X_new, y_new def _encode_categorical(self, X, y): """ One-Hot encodes categorical features and replaces the 1 entries with the median of the standard deviations divided by 2. """ # compute the median of the standard deviation of the minority class target_stats = Counter(y) class_minority = min(target_stats, key=target_stats.get) # Separate categorical features from continuous features X_continuous = X[:, self.continuous_features_] X_continuous = check_array(X_continuous, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"]) X_categorical = X[:, self.categorical_features_].copy() X_minority = X_continuous[np.flatnonzero(y == class_minority)] if sparse.issparse(X): if X.format == "csr": _, var = csr_mean_variance_axis0(X_minority) else: _, var = csc_mean_variance_axis0(X_minority) else: var = X_minority.var(axis=0) self.median_std_ = np.median(np.sqrt(var)) if != "object": dtype_ohe = X_continuous.dtype else: dtype_ohe = np.float64 self.ohe_ = OneHotEncoder( sparse_output=True, handle_unknown="ignore", dtype=dtype_ohe ) # the input of the OneHotEncoder needs to be dense X_ohe = self.ohe_.fit_transform( X_categorical.toarray() if sparse.issparse(X_categorical) else X_categorical ) # we can replace the 1 entries of the categorical features with the # median of the standard deviation. It will ensure that whenever # distance is computed between 2 samples, the difference will be equal # to the median of the standard deviation as in the original paper. # In the edge case where the median of the std is equal to 0, the 1s # entries will be also nullified. In this case, we store the original # categorical encoding which will be later used for inversing the OHE if math.isclose(self.median_std_, 0): self._X_categorical_encoded = X_ohe.toarray() = np.ones_like(, dtype=X_ohe.dtype) * self.median_std_ / 2 if self._issparse: X_encoded = np.hstack([X_continuous.toarray(), X_ohe.toarray()]) else: X_encoded = np.hstack([X_continuous, X_ohe.toarray()]) return X_encoded def _decode_categorical(self, X_resampled): """Reverses the encoding of the categorical features to match the dataset's original structure.""" if math.isclose(self.median_std_, 0): X_resampled[ : self._X_categorical_encoded.shape[0], self.continuous_features_.size : ] = self._X_categorical_encoded X_resampled = sparse.csr_matrix(X_resampled) X_res_cat = X_resampled[:, self.continuous_features_.size :] = np.ones_like( X_res_cat_dec = self.ohe_.inverse_transform(X_res_cat) if self._issparse: X_resampled = sparse.hstack( (X_resampled[:, : self.continuous_features_.size], X_res_cat_dec), format="csr", ) else: X_resampled = np.hstack( ( X_resampled[:, : self.continuous_features_.size].toarray(), X_res_cat_dec, ) ) indices_reordered = np.argsort( np.hstack((self.continuous_features_, self.categorical_features_)) ) if sparse.issparse(X_resampled): col_indices = X_resampled.indices.copy() for idx, col_idx in enumerate(indices_reordered): mask = X_resampled.indices == col_idx col_indices[mask] = idx X_resampled.indices = col_indices else: X_resampled = X_resampled[:, indices_reordered] return X_resampled def _fit_resample(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): # Save basic data self._issparse = sparse.issparse(X) X_dtype = X.dtype # Validate estimator's parameters self._validate_categorical()._validate_estimator() # Preprocess categorical data if self.categorical_features is not None: X = self._encode_categorical(X, y) categories_size = [self.continuous_features_.size] + [ cat.size for cat in self.ohe_.categories_ ] # Copy data X_resampled, y_resampled = X.copy(), y.copy() # Resample for class_label, n_samples in self.sampling_strategy_.items(): # Apply gsmote mechanism X_new, y_new, all_neighbors_ = self._make_geometric_samples( X, y, class_label, n_samples, sample_weight=sample_weight ) # Apply smotenc mechanism if self.categorical_features is not None: X_new, y_new = self._make_categorical_samples( X_new, y_new, categories_size, all_neighbors_ ) # Append new data X_resampled, y_resampled = ( np.vstack((X_resampled, X_new)), np.hstack((y_resampled, y_new)), ) # reverse the encoding of the categorical features if self.categorical_features is not None: X_resampled = self._decode_categorical(X_resampled).astype(X_dtype) else: X_resampled = X_resampled.astype(X_dtype) return X_resampled, y_resampled
[docs] def fit_resample(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Resample the dataset. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Matrix containing the data which have to be sampled. y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Corresponding label for each sample in X. sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Individual weights for each sample. Assigns probabilities for selecting a sample as a center point. Returns ------- X_resampled : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape \ (n_samples_new, n_features) The array containing the resampled data. y_resampled : array-like of shape (n_samples_new,) The corresponding label of `X_resampled`. """ check_classification_targets(y) arrays_transformer = ArraysTransformer(X, y) X, y, binarize_y = self._check_X_y(X, y) if sample_weight is not None: sample_weight = _check_sample_weight(sample_weight, X, dtype=X.dtype) self.sampling_strategy_ = check_sampling_strategy( self.sampling_strategy, y, self._sampling_type ) output = self._fit_resample(X, y, sample_weight) y_ = ( label_binarize(output[1], classes=np.unique(y)) if binarize_y else output[1] ) X_, y_ = arrays_transformer.transform(output[0], y_) return (X_, y_) if len(output) == 2 else (X_, y_, output[2])