Source code for mlresearch.preprocessing._encoders

import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import issparse
from sklearn.base import clone, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.utils.metaestimators import _BaseComposition
from sklearn.preprocessing._encoders import OneHotEncoder

[docs] class PipelineEncoder(TransformerMixin, _BaseComposition): """ Pipeline-compatible wrapper of Scikit-learn's Transformer objects. Used to pass encoding of non-metric features and scalers (when there are categorical features) within a pipeline. When ``encoder`` is None, ``sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder`` will be used. In that case, kwargs can be passed to define its parameters. Otherwise, it is ignored. The fitted encoder object from Scikit-learn is stored in ``self.encoder_``. Parameters ---------- features : ndarray of shape (n_cat_features,) or (n_features,) Specifies which features to transform. Can either be: - array of indices specifying the features to transform. - mask array of shape (n_features, ) and ``bool`` dtype for which ``True`` indicates the features to transform. - array of shape (n_transf_features,) and ``str`` dtype with the names of the features to transform. In this case, ``X`` must be a dataframe. Raises an error otherwise. encoder : encoder object, default=None Encoder object to be used for transforming the features. If None, defaults to sklearn's OneHotEncoder with default parameters, which can be modified with keyword arguments. .. warning:: The ``encoder`` object must be compatible with sklearn's API. Attributes ---------- features_ : ndarray of shape (n_features,) Mask array of shape (n_features, ) and ``bool`` dtype for which ``True`` indicates the features to transform. encoded_features_names_out_ : ndarray of str objects Output feature names after transformation. encoded_features_idx_out_ : ndarray of int objects Indices of encoded features after transformation. Notes ----- In most situations, ``sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer`` can be used as an alternative to ``PipelineEncoder``. """ _estimator_type = "encoder" def __init__(self, features=None, encoder=None, **kwargs): self.features = features self.encoder = encoder self._kwargs = kwargs def _check_X(self, X): """ Perform custom check_array. Collect information regarding the passed data and ensure the data is a numpy array. """ if type(X) is pd.DataFrame: self._is_pandas = ( True if not hasattr(self, "_is_pandas") else self._is_pandas ) self.columns_ = X.columns X_ = X.copy().values else: self._is_pandas = ( False if not hasattr(self, "_is_pandas") else self._is_pandas ) X_ = X.copy() return X_ def _check_features(self, X): """ Preprocess ``features``. Converts ``features`` to a mask array. """ if self.features is None or len(self.features) == 0: cat_features = np.zeros(X.shape[-1]).astype(bool) elif type(self.features) in [str, bool, int, float]: cat_features = np.array([self.features]) elif hasattr(self.features, "__iter__"): if len(set([type(i) for i in self.features])) != 1: raise TypeError( "``features`` cannot have more than one type of object." ) cat_features = np.array(self.features) else: error_msg = ( "``features`` must be an iterable or one of str," + " bool, int, float or NoneType. Got " + f"{type(self.features).__name__} instead." ) raise TypeError(error_msg) is_mask = np.array([type(i) is np.bool_ for i in cat_features]).all() is_indices = np.array( [type(i) in [np.int64, np.float64] for i in cat_features] ).all() is_col_names = np.array([type(i) is np.str_ for i in cat_features]).all() if is_mask: return cat_features elif is_indices: features_ = np.zeros(X.shape[-1]) features_[cat_features] = 1 return features_.astype(bool) elif is_col_names: if not self._is_pandas: error_msg = ( "If ``features`` contains string values, " + "``X`` must be a pandas dataframe." ) raise TypeError(error_msg) in_columns = np.array([col in X.columns for col in cat_features]) if any(~in_columns): not_in_columns = np.array(cat_features)[np.where(~in_columns)[0]] raise KeyError(", ".join(not_in_columns)) elif self._is_pandas and any(X.columns.isin(cat_features)): return X.columns.isin(cat_features) else: raise TypeError( "Could not parse which features to transform from " + f"``features``. Got {self.features}." )
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Fit PipelineEncoder to X. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to determine the categories of each feature. y : None Ignored. This parameter exists only for compatibility with :class:`~sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline`. Returns ------- self Fitted encoder. """ X_ = self._check_X(X) self.features_ = self._check_features(X) if not self.features_.any(): # If there are no features apply no change self.encoded_features_names_out_ = np.array([]) self.encoded_features_idx_out_ = np.array([]) msg = ( "No features were passed for encoding. No transformation will be " "applied." ) warnings.warn(UserWarning(msg)) return self self.encoder_ = ( clone(self.encoder) if self.encoder is not None else OneHotEncoder(**self._kwargs) )[:, self.features_], y) # Get names and/or indices for encoded features input_features = self.columns_[self.features_] if self._is_pandas else None self.encoded_features_names_out_ = self.encoder_.get_feature_names_out( input_features ) non_cat_feats_out = (~self.features_).sum() total_feats_out = non_cat_feats_out + len(self.encoded_features_names_out_) self.encoded_features_idx_out_ = np.array( list(range(non_cat_feats_out, total_feats_out)) ) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """ Transform X using the ``encoder`` object. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features_to_encode + n_remaining) Data containing the features to encode. Returns ------- X_out : {ndarray, sparse matrix} of shape \ (n_samples, n_encoded_features + n_remaining) Transformed input. Regardless of `sparse_output`, a dense matrix will be returned. """ X_ = self._check_X(X) if not self.features_.any(): # If there are no features apply no change return X if self._is_pandas: metric_data = pd.DataFrame( X_[:, ~self.features_], columns=self.columns_[~self.features_], ) enc_vals = self.encoder_.transform(X_[:, self.features_]) encoded_data = pd.DataFrame( enc_vals if not issparse(enc_vals) else enc_vals.toarray(), columns=self.encoder_.get_feature_names_out( self.columns_[self.features_] ), ) data = pd.concat([metric_data, encoded_data], axis=1) else: metric_data = X_[:, ~self.features_] enc_vals = self.encoder_.transform(X_[:, self.features_]) encoded_data = enc_vals if not issparse(enc_vals) else enc_vals.toarray() data = np.concatenate([metric_data, encoded_data], axis=1).astype( np.float64 ) return data