Source code for mlresearch.datasets._binary

Download, transform and simulate various binary datasets.

# Author: Georgios Douzas <>
#         Joao Fonseca <>
# License: MIT

from re import sub
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from string import ascii_lowercase
from zipfile import ZipFile
from io import BytesIO, StringIO

import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.utils import check_X_y
from imblearn.datasets import make_imbalance

from .base import Datasets, FETCH_URLS, RANDOM_STATE

[docs] class ImbalancedBinaryDatasets(Datasets): """Class to download, transform and save binary class imbalanced datasets.""" MULTIPLICATION_FACTORS = [2, 3] @staticmethod def _calculate_ratio(multiplication_factor, y): """Calculate ratio based on IRs multiplication factor.""" ratio = Counter(y).copy() ratio[1] = int(ratio[1] / multiplication_factor) return ratio def _make_imbalance(self, data, multiplication_factor): """Undersample the minority class.""" X_columns = [col for col in data.columns if col != "target"] X, y = check_X_y(data.loc[:, X_columns], if multiplication_factor > 1.0: sampling_strategy = self._calculate_ratio(multiplication_factor, y) X, y = make_imbalance( X, y, sampling_strategy=sampling_strategy, random_state=RANDOM_STATE ) data = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((X, y))) data[data.columns[-1]] = data[data.columns[-1]].astype(int) data.rename(columns={data.columns[-1]: "target"}, inplace=True) return data
[docs] def download(self): """Download the datasets and append undersampled versions of them.""" super(ImbalancedBinaryDatasets, self).download() undersampled_datasets = [] for (name, data), factor in list( product(self.content_, self.MULTIPLICATION_FACTORS) ): ratio = self._calculate_ratio(factor, if ratio[1] >= 15: data = self._make_imbalance(data, factor) undersampled_datasets.append((f"{name} ({factor})", data)) self.content_ += undersampled_datasets return self
[docs] def fetch_breast_tissue(self): """Download and transform the Breast Tissue Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `car` and `fad` labels and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = pd.read_excel(FETCH_URLS["breast_tissue"], sheet_name="Data") data = data.drop(columns="Case #").rename(columns={"Class": "target"}) data["target"] = data["target"].isin(["car", "fad"]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_ecoli(self): """Download and transform the Ecoli Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `pp` label and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["ecoli"], header=None, delim_whitespace=True) data = data.drop(columns=0).rename(columns={8: "target"}) data["target"] = data["target"].isin(["pp"]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_eucalyptus(self): """Download and transform the Eucalyptus Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `best` label and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["eucalyptus"]) data = data.iloc[:, -9:].rename(columns={"Utility": "target"}) data = data[data != "?"].dropna() data["target"] = data["target"].isin(["best"]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_glass(self): """Download and transform the Glass Identification Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `1` label and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["glass"], header=None) data = data.drop(columns=0).rename(columns={10: "target"}) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([1]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_haberman(self): """Download and transform the Haberman's Survival Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `1` label and the majority class as the `0` label.'s+Survival """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["haberman"], header=None) data.rename(columns={3: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([2]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_heart(self): """Download and transform the Heart Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `2` label and the majority class as the `1` label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["heart"], header=None, delim_whitespace=True) data.rename(columns={13: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([2]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_iris(self): """Download and transform the Iris Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `1` label and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["iris"], header=None) data.rename(columns={4: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = data["target"].isin(["Iris-setosa"]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_libras(self): """Download and transform the Libras Movement Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `1` label and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["libras"], header=None) data.rename(columns={90: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([1]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_liver(self): """Download and transform the Liver Disorders Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `1` label and the majority class as the '2' label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["liver"], header=None) data.rename(columns={6: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([1]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_pima(self): """Download and transform the Pima Indians Diabetes Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `1` label and the majority class as the '0' label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["pima"], header=None, skiprows=9) data.rename(columns={8: "target"}, inplace=True) return data
[docs] def fetch_vehicle(self): """Download and transform the Vehicle Silhouettes Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `1` label and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = [] for letter in ascii_lowercase[0:9]: partial_data = pd.read_csv( urljoin( FETCH_URLS["vehicle"].replace("Index", ""), "xa%s.dat" % letter ), header=None, delim_whitespace=True, ) partial_data = partial_data.rename(columns={18: "target"}) partial_data["target"] = partial_data["target"].isin(["van"]).astype(int) data.append(partial_data) return pd.concat(data)
[docs] def fetch_wine(self): """Download and transform the Wine Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `2` label and the majority class as the rest of the labels. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["wine"], header=None) data.rename(columns={0: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([2]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_new_thyroid_1(self): """Download and transform the Thyroid Disease Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. .. note:: The positive class was originally label 2. """ data = pd.read_csv( FETCH_URLS["new_thyroid"], header=None, ) data.rename(columns={0: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = (data["target"] == 2).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_new_thyroid_2(self): """Download and transform the Thyroid Disease Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. .. note:: The positive class was originally label 3. """ data = pd.read_csv( FETCH_URLS["new_thyroid"], header=None, ) data.rename(columns={0: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = (data["target"] == 3).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_cleveland(self): """Download and transform the Heart Disease Cleveland Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["cleveland"], header=None, na_values="?") data.dropna(inplace=True) data.rename(columns={13: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = (data["target"] == 1).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_dermatology(self): """Download and transform the Dermatology Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["dermatology"], header=None) data.rename(columns={34: "target"}, inplace=True) data.drop(columns=33, inplace=True) data["target"] = ( == 6).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_led(self): """Download and transform the LED Display Domain Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["led"]) data.rename(columns={"Class": "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = ( == 1).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_page_blocks(self): """Download and transform the Page Blocks Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["page_blocks"]) data.rename(columns={"class": "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = ( != 1).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_vowel(self): """Download and transform the Vowel Recognition Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["vowels"]) data.rename(columns={"speaker": "target"}, inplace=True) data.drop(columns=["utterance", "frame"], inplace=True) data["target"] = (data["target"] == 1).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_yeast(self): """Download and transform the Yeast Data Set. The minority class is identified as the `positive` label and the majority class as the `negative` label. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["yeast"], header=None) data = pd.DataFrame( [ [val for val in row.split(" ") if len(val) != 0] for row in data[0].tolist() ] ) data.drop(columns=0, inplace=True) data.rename(columns={9: "target"}, inplace=True) data["target"] = (data["target"] == "MIT").astype(int) return data
[docs] class BinaryDatasets(Datasets): """Class to download, transform and save binary class datasets."""
[docs] def fetch_banknote_authentication(self): """Download and transform the Banknote Authentication Data Set. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["banknote_authentication"], header=None) data.rename(columns={4: "target"}, inplace=True) return data
[docs] def fetch_arcene(self): """Download and transform the Arcene Data Set. """ zipped_data = requests.get(FETCH_URLS["arcene"]).content zipped_data = ZipFile(BytesIO(zipped_data)) data, labels = [], [] for data_type in ("train", "valid"): data.append( pd.read_csv( StringIO("ARCENE/arcene_{data_type}.data").decode( "utf-8" ) ), header=None, sep=" ", ).drop(columns=list(range(1998, 10001))) ) labels.append( pd.read_csv( StringIO( ("ARCENE/" if data_type == "train" else "") + f"arcene_{data_type}.labels" ).decode("utf-8") ), header=None, ).rename(columns={0: "target"}) ) data = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True) labels = pd.concat(labels, ignore_index=True) data = pd.concat([data, labels], axis=1) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([1]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_audit(self): """Download and transform the Audit Data Set. """ zipped_data = requests.get(FETCH_URLS["audit"]).content unzipped_data = ( ZipFile(BytesIO(zipped_data)) .read("audit_data/audit_risk.csv") .decode("utf-8") ) data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(sub(r"@.+\n+", "", unzipped_data)), engine="python") data = ( data.drop(columns=["LOCATION_ID"]) .rename(columns={"Risk": "target"}) .dropna() ) return data
[docs] def fetch_spambase(self): """Download and transform the Spambase Data Set. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["spambase"], header=None) data.rename(columns={57: "target"}, inplace=True) return data
[docs] def fetch_parkinsons(self): """Download and transform the Parkinsons Data Set. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["parkinsons"]) data = pd.concat( [ data.drop(columns=["name", "status"]), data[["status"]].rename(columns={"status": "target"}), ], axis=1, ) data["target"] = data["target"].isin([0]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_ionosphere(self): """Download and transform the Ionosphere Data Set. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["ionosphere"], header=None) data = data.drop(columns=[0, 1]).rename(columns={34: "target"}) data["target"] = data["target"].isin(["b"]).astype(int) return data
[docs] def fetch_breast_cancer(self): """Download and transform the Breast Cancer Wisconsin Data Set. """ data = pd.read_csv(FETCH_URLS["breast_cancer"], header=None) data = pd.concat( [data.drop(columns=[0, 1]), data[[1]].rename(columns={1: "target"})], axis=1 ) data["target"] = data["target"].isin(["M"]).astype(int) return data